kcl-samples → socket-head-cap-screw




// Socket Head Cap Screw
// This is for a #10-24 screw that is 1.00 inches long. A socket head cap screw is a type of fastener that is widely used in a variety of applications requiring a high strength fastening solution. It is characterized by its cylindrical head and internal hexagonal drive, which allows for tightening with an Allen wrench or hex key.

// Set units
@settings(defaultLengthUnit = in)

// Define constants
screwLength = 1.0
screwDiameter = .190
headDiameter = .313
headLength = screwDiameter
hexWallToWall = 5 / 32
capRatio = screwDiameter / headDiameter
hexRatio = hexWallToWall / headDiameter
hexWallLength = hexWallToWall / 2 * 1 / cos(toRadians(30))
hexStartingAngle = 210 // first angle of hex pattern
hexInteriorAngle = 120
hexChangeAngle = 180 - hexInteriorAngle

// Write a function that defines the Socket Head Cap Screw
fn capScrew(start, length, dia, capHeadLength) {
  // Create the head of the cap screw
  screwHeadSketch = startSketchOn('XZ')
    |> circle({
         center = [start[0], start[1]],
         radius = dia / capRatio / 2
       }, %)

  // Extrude the screw head sketch
  screwHead = extrude(screwHeadSketch, length = capHeadLength)

  // Define the sketch of the hex pattern on the screw head
  hexPatternSketch = startSketchOn(screwHead, 'end')
    |> startProfileAt([hexWallToWall / 2, 0], %)
    |> yLine(-hexWallLength / 2, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle = hexStartingAngle,
         length = hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle = hexStartingAngle - hexChangeAngle,
         length = hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle = hexStartingAngle - (2 * hexChangeAngle),
         length = hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle = hexStartingAngle - (3 * hexChangeAngle),
         length = hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle = hexStartingAngle - (4 * hexChangeAngle),
         length = hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> close()
  hexPattern = extrude(hexPatternSketch, length = -headLength * 0.75)

  screwBodySketch = startSketchOn(screwHead, "start")
    |> circle({
         center = [start[0], start[1]],
         radius = dia / 2
       }, %)
  screwBody = extrude(screwBodySketch, length = length)
  return screwBody

capScrew([0, 0], screwLength, screwDiameter, screwDiameter)