kcl-samples → mounting-plate




// Mounting Plate
// A flat piece of material, often metal or plastic, that serves as a support or base for attaching, securing, or mounting various types of equipment, devices, or components.

// Define constants
plateLength = 10
plateWidth = 6
filletRadius = 0.5
plateThickness = .5
centerHoleDiameter = 2

// Create a function that defines the body width and length of the mounting plate. Tag the corners so they can be passed through the fillet function.
fn rectShape = (pos, w, l) => {
  rr = startSketchOn('XY')
    |> startProfileAt([pos[0] - (w / 2), pos[1] - (l / 2)], %)
    |> lineTo([pos[0] + w / 2, pos[1] - (l / 2)], %, $edge1)
    |> lineTo([pos[0] + w / 2, pos[1] + l / 2], %, $edge2)
    |> lineTo([pos[0] - (w / 2), pos[1] + l / 2], %, $edge3)
    |> close(%, $edge4)
  return rr

// Define the hole radius and x, y location constants
holeRadius = .25
holeIndex = .75

// Create the mounting plate extrusion, holes, and fillets
rs = rectShape([0, 0], plateWidth, plateLength)
part = rs
  |> hole(circle({
       center: [
         -plateWidth / 2 + holeIndex,
         plateLength / 2 - holeIndex
       radius: holeRadius
     }, %), %)
  |> hole(circle({
       center: [
         plateWidth / 2 - holeIndex,
         plateLength / 2 - holeIndex
       radius: holeRadius
     }, %), %)
  |> hole(circle({
       center: [
         -plateWidth / 2 + holeIndex,
         -plateLength / 2 + holeIndex
       radius: holeRadius
     }, %), %)
  |> hole(circle({
       center: [
         plateWidth / 2 - holeIndex,
         -plateLength / 2 + holeIndex
       radius: holeRadius
     }, %), %)
  |> hole(circle({
       center: [0, 0],
       radius: centerHoleDiameter
     }, %), %)
  |> extrude(plateThickness, %)
  |> fillet({
       radius: filletRadius,
       tags: [
     }, %)