kcl-samples → dodecahedron →
// Hollow Dodecahedron
// A regular dodecahedron or pentagonal dodecahedron is a dodecahedron composed of regular pentagonal faces, three meeting at each vertex. This example shows constructing the individual faces of the dodecahedron and extruding inwards.
// Input parameters
// circumscribed radius
circR = 25
// Calculated parameters
// thickness of the dodecahedron
wallThickness = circR * 0.2
// angle between faces in radians
dihedral = acos(-(sqrt(5) / 5))
// inscribed radius
inscR = circR / 15 * sqrt(75 + 30 * sqrt(5))
// pentagon edge length
edgeL = 4 * circR / (sqrt(3) * (1 + sqrt(5)))
// pentagon radius
pentR = edgeL / 2 / sin(toRadians(36))
// define a function for a polygon
fn ngon = (plane, numSides, radius) => {
step = 1 / numSides * tau()
sketch001 = startSketchOn(plane)
|> startProfileAt([cos(0) * radius, sin(0) * radius], %)
return reduce([1..numSides], sketch001, (i, sg) => {
x = cos(step * i) * radius
y = sin(step * i) * radius
return lineTo([x, y], sg)
|> close(%)
// Define a plane for the bottom angled face
planeBottomSide = {
plane: {
origin: [
-inscR * cos(toRadians(toDegrees(dihedral) - 90)),
inscR - inscR * sin(toRadians(toDegrees(dihedral) - 90))
xAxis: [cos(dihedral), 0.000000, sin(dihedral)],
yAxis: [0, 1, 0],
zAxis: [sin(dihedral), 0, -cos(dihedral)]
// Extrude the faces in each plane
bottom = extrude(wallThickness, ngon("XY", 5, pentR))
bottomSide = extrude(wallThickness, ngon(planeBottomSide, 5, pentR))
// Pattern the sides so we have a full dodecahedron
bottomBowl = patternCircular3d({
instances: 5,
axis: [0, 0, 1],
center: [0, 0, 0],
arcDegrees: 360,
rotateDuplicates: true
}, bottomSide)
// pattern the bottom to create the top face
instances: 2,
axis: [0, 1, 0],
center: [0, 0, inscR],
arcDegrees: 360,
rotateDuplicates: true
}, bottom)
// pattern the bottom angled faces to create the top
instances: 2,
axis: [0, 1, 0],
center: [0, 0, inscR],
arcDegrees: 360,
rotateDuplicates: true
}, bottomBowl)