kcl-samples → food-service-spatula →
// Food Service Spatula
// Use these spatulas for mixing, flipping, and scraping.
// Define constants in millimeters (mm)
flipperThickness = 3.5
flipperLength = 70.0
handleWidth = 15.0
gripLength = 150.0
flipperFilletRadius = 5.0
flipperSlotWidth = 10.0
gripWidth = 10.0
gripHeight = 20.0
gripFilletRadius = 3.0
gripSlotWidth = 8.0
// function for drawing slots on a sketch given the start and end points as well as a width
fn slot = (sketch1, start, end, width) => {
angle = if start[0] == end[0] {
if end[1] > start[1] {
} else {
} else {
if end[0] < start[0] {
toDegrees(atan((end[1] - start[1]) / (end[0] - start[0]))) + 180
} else {
toDegrees(atan((end[1] - start[1]) / (end[0] - start[0])))
dist = sqrt(pow(end[1] - start[1], 2) + pow(end[0] - start[0], 2))
xstart = width / 2 * cos(toRadians(angle - 90)) + start[0]
ystart = width / 2 * sin(toRadians(angle - 90)) + start[1]
slotSketch = startProfileAt([xstart, ystart], sketch1)
|> angledLine({ angle: angle, length: dist }, %, $line000)
|> tangentialArc({ radius: width / 2, offset: 180 }, %, $arc000)
|> angledLine({ angle: angle, length: -dist }, %, $line001)
|> tangentialArcTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %, $arc001)
|> close(%)
return slotSketch
// create a sketch on the "XY" plane
sketch000 = startSketchOn('XY')
// create a profile of the flipper
flipperProfile = startProfileAt([-flipperLength, -32.000000], sketch000)
|> line([flipperLength, 2.000000], %)
|> yLine(60.000000, %, $backEdge)
|> line([-flipperLength, 2.000000], %)
|> arc({
angleEnd: 196.912390,
angleStart: 163.087610,
radius: 110.000000
}, %)
|> close(%)
// create a profile of the middle
slotProfile000 = slot(sketch000, [-25, 0], [-55, 0], flipperSlotWidth)
// create a profile of the top slot
slotProfile001 = slot(sketch000, [-25, 18], [-55, 19], flipperSlotWidth)
// create a profile of the bottom slot
slotProfile002 = slot(sketch000, [-25, -18], [-55, -19], flipperSlotWidth)
// create a profile with slots for the spatula
spatulaProfile = flipperProfile
|> hole(slotProfile000, %)
|> hole(slotProfile001, %)
|> hole(slotProfile002, %)
// extrude the profile to create the spatula flipper
flipper = extrude(flipperThickness, [spatulaProfile])
// fillet the edges of the flipper
radius: flipperFilletRadius,
tags: [
}, flipper)
// create a sketch on the "XZ" plane offset by half the thickness
sketch001 = startSketchOn(offsetPlane("XZ", -handleWidth / 2))
// create a profile of the spatula handle
handleProfile = startProfileAt([0.000000, flipperThickness], sketch001)
|> line([31.819805, 31.819805], %, $handleBottomEdge)
|> line([140.953893, 51.303021], %)
|> line([-1.710101, 4.698463], %)
|> line([-141.995517, -51.682142], %, $handleTopEdge)
|> line([-36.139148, -36.139148], %)
|> xLine(7.071068, %)
|> close(%)
// create an extrusion extrude001
handle = extrude(handleWidth, [handleProfile])
// fillet the bend of the spatula handle
radius: 4,
tags: [
}, handle)
// define a plane which is at the end of the handle
handlePlane = {
plane: {
origin: [208.593833, 0.000000, 75.921946],
xAxis: [0.342020, -0.000000, -0.939693],
yAxis: [0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000],
zAxis: [0.939693, -0.000000, 0.342020]
// create a sketch on the handle plane
sketch002 = startSketchOn(handlePlane)
// create a profile of the grip
gripProfile = startProfileAt([-26.806746, -10.000000], sketch002)
|> xLine(gripWidth - 2 * gripFilletRadius, %)
|> arc({
angleStart: -90.000000,
angleEnd: 0.000000,
radius: gripFilletRadius
}, %)
|> yLine(gripHeight - 2 * gripFilletRadius, %)
|> arc({
angleStart: 0.000000,
angleEnd: 90.000000,
radius: gripFilletRadius
}, %)
|> xLine(-(gripWidth - 2 * gripFilletRadius), %)
|> arc({
angleStart: 90.000000,
angleEnd: 180.000000,
radius: gripFilletRadius
}, %)
|> yLine(-(gripHeight - 2 * gripFilletRadius), %, $gripEdgeTop)
|> arc({
angleStart: 180.000000,
angleEnd: 270.000000,
radius: gripFilletRadius
}, %)
|> close(%)
// extrude the grip profile to create the grip
grip = extrude(-gripLength, [gripProfile])
// create a sketch on the grip for the hole
sketch003 = startSketchOn(grip, gripEdgeTop)
// create a profile for the grip hole
gripHoleProfile = slot(sketch003, [0, 200], [0, 210], gripSlotWidth)
// cut a hole in the grip
extrude(-gripWidth, gripHoleProfile)