kcl-samples → car-wheel-assembly




// Car Wheel Assembly
// A car wheel assembly with a rotor, tire, and lug nuts.

// Car Wheel
// A sports car wheel with a circular lug pattern and spokes.

// Define constants
const lugCount = 5
const lugSpacing = 114.3 // mm
const offset = -35 // mm
const backSpacing = 6.38 // inches
const wheelWidth = 9.5 // inches
const wheelDiameter = 19 // inches

// Create the circular pattern for the lug holes
const circles = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> circle([lugSpacing / 2, 0], 16 / 2, %)
  |> patternCircular2d({
       arcDegrees: 360,
       center: [0, 0],
       repetitions: lugCount - 1,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

// Create the wheel center and add lug holes
const flangeBase = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> circle([0, 0], lugSpacing / 2 + 16 + 5, %)
  |> hole(circles, %)
  |> extrude(10, %)

// Remove the interior of the wheel center
const sketch001 = startSketchOn(flangeBase, 'END')
  |> circle([0, 0], 20, %)
  |> extrude(-10, %)

// Add more material to the wheel center
const sketch002 = startSketchOn(flangeBase, 'END')
  |> circle([0, 0], lugSpacing / 2 + 16 + 8, %)
  |> extrude(30, %)

// Edge treatment around center
const sketch003 = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> startProfileAt([lugSpacing / 2 + 16 + 8, -10 - 30], %)
  |> yLine(30, %)
  |> line([6, -2], %)
  |> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %)
  |> close(%)
  |> revolve({ axis: 'y' }, %)

// Center cap
const sketch004 = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> startProfileAt([15, -40], %)
  |> xLine(15, %)
  |> line([-3.01, -3.54], %)
  |> line([-8.8, 0.17], %)
  |> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %)
  |> close(%)
  |> revolve({ axis: 'y' }, %)

// Holes for lug nut heads
const sketch005 = startSketchOn(sketch002, 'END')
  |> circle([lugSpacing / 2, 0], 17, %)
  |> patternCircular2d({
       arcDegrees: 360,
       center: [0, 0],
       repetitions: lugCount - 1,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

const sketch006 = extrude(-30, sketch005)

// Seperating the spoke base planes
const plane001 = {
  plane: {
    origin: [0.0, 0.0, 5.0],
    xAxis: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    yAxis: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
    zAxis: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

const plane002 = {
  plane: {
    origin: [0.0, 0.0, -5.0],
    xAxis: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    yAxis: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
    zAxis: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

// Spoke cross sections
const sketch007 = startSketchOn(plane001)
  |> startProfileAt([lugSpacing / 2 + 17, -36], %)
  |> bezierCurve({
       to: [
         wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 35,
       control1: [
         (wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 35) / 2,
       control2: [
         (wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 35) / 2,
     }, %)
  |> yLine(12, %)
  |> bezierCurve({
       to: [
         -wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 + lugSpacing / 2 + 35,
       control1: [
         -(wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 16) / 2,
       control2: [
         -(wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 16) / 2,
     }, %)
  |> close(%)

const sketch008 = startSketchOn(plane002)
  |> startProfileAt([lugSpacing / 2 + 17, -36], %)
  |> bezierCurve({
       to: [
         wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 35,
       control1: [
         (wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 35) / 2,
       control2: [
         (wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 35) / 2,
     }, %)
  |> yLine(12, %)
  |> bezierCurve({
       to: [
         -wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 + lugSpacing / 2 + 35,
       control1: [
         -(wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 16) / 2,
       control2: [
         -(wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2 - (lugSpacing / 2) - 16) / 2,
     }, %)
  |> close(%)

// Circular pattern spokes
const sketch009 = extrude(20, sketch007)
  |> patternCircular3d({
       axis: [0, 1, 0],
       center: [0, -2000, 0],
       repetitions: 5,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

const sketch0010 = extrude(-20, sketch008)
  |> patternCircular3d({
       axis: [0, 1, 0],
       center: [0, -2000, 0],
       repetitions: 5,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

// Wheel exterior
const sketch0011 = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> startProfileAt([
       wheelDiameter * 25.4 / 2,
       -wheelWidth * 25.4 + backSpacing * 25.4 + offset
     ], %)
  |> line([wheelWidth * 2, -wheelWidth], %)
  |> yLine(-wheelWidth * 2, %)
  |> xLine(-wheelWidth, %)
  |> yLine(wheelWidth * 1.5, %)
  |> line([-wheelWidth * 2, wheelWidth], %)
  |> yLine(wheelWidth * 2.7, %)
  |> line([-wheelWidth, wheelWidth], %)
  |> yLine(wheelWidth * 9, %)
  |> line([wheelWidth, wheelWidth], %)
  |> yLine(wheelWidth * 11, %)
  |> line([wheelWidth * 2, wheelWidth], %)
  |> yLine(wheelWidth * 2, %)
  |> xLine(wheelWidth, %)
  |> yLine(-wheelWidth * 2.7, %)
  |> line([-wheelWidth * 2, -wheelWidth], %)
  |> yLine(-wheelWidth * 11, %)
  |> line([-wheelWidth, -wheelWidth], %)
  |> yLine(-wheelWidth * 7.7, %)
  |> line([wheelWidth, -wheelWidth], %)
  |> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %)
  |> close(%)
  |> revolve({ axis: 'y' }, %)

const rotorDiameter = 12 // inches
const rotorInnerDiameter = 6 // inches
const rotorSinglePlateThickness = 6.3 // mm
const rotorInnerDiameterThickness = 12.6 // mm
const lugHolePatternDia = 3 // inches
const yAxisOffset = 10 // mm
const rotorTotalThickness = 25.4 // mm
const spacerPatternDiameter = 11 // inches
const spacerDiameter = 6.3 // mm
const spacerLength = rotorTotalThickness - 2*rotorSinglePlateThickness
const spacerCount = 16
const wheeldiameter = 19 // inches

const rotorPlane = {
  plane: {
    origin: { x: 0, y: yAxisOffset, z: 0 },
    xAxis: { x: -1, y: 0, z: 0 },
    yAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 },
    zAxis: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }

fn lugPattern = (plane) => {
  const lugHolePattern = circle([-lugSpacing/2, 0], 8, plane) 
  |> patternCircular2d({
    arcDegrees: 360,
    center: [0, 0],
    repetitions: lugCount - 1,
    rotateDuplicates: true,
  }, %)
  return lugHolePattern

const rotorSketch = startSketchOn(rotorPlane)
  |> circle([0, 0], rotorDiameter/2 * 25.4, %)
  |> hole(lugPattern(%), %)
const rotor = extrude(rotorSinglePlateThickness, rotorSketch)

const rotorBumpSketch = startSketchOn(rotorPlane)
  |> circle([0, 0], rotorInnerDiameter/2 * 25.4, %)
  |> hole(lugPattern(%), %)
const rotorBump = extrude(-rotorInnerDiameterThickness, rotorBumpSketch)

const rotorSecondaryPlatePlane = {
  plane: {
    origin: { x: 0, y: 10 + rotorTotalThickness*0.75, z: 0 },
    xAxis: { x: -1, y: 0, z: 0 },
    yAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 },
    zAxis: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }

const secondaryRotorSketch = startSketchOn(rotorSecondaryPlatePlane)
  |> circle([0, 0], rotorDiameter/2 * 25.4, %)
  |> hole(lugPattern(%), %)

const secondRotor = extrude(rotorSinglePlateThickness, secondaryRotorSketch)

const spacerSketch = startSketchOn(rotorSecondaryPlatePlane)
  |> circle([spacerPatternDiameter/2 * 25.4, 0], spacerDiameter, %)
  |> patternCircular2d({
    arcDegrees: 360,
    center: [0, 0],
    repetitions: spacerCount,
    rotateDuplicates: true,
  }, %)

const spacers = extrude(-spacerLength, spacerSketch)

// Lug Nut
// lug Nuts are essential components used to create secure connections, whether for electrical purposes, like terminating wires or grounding, or for mechanical purposes, such as providing mounting points or reinforcing structural joints. 

// Define constants
const lugDiameter = 24 // mm
const lugHeadLength = lugDiameter * .5 // mm
const lugThreadDiameter = lugDiameter/2 * .85 //mm
const lugLength = 30 //mm
const lugThreadDepth = lugLength - 12.7 //mm

// Define the plane the lugs live on
const customPlane = {
      plane: {
        origin: { x: lugSpacing/2, y: -30, z: 0 },
        xAxis: { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0 },
        yAxis: { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 },
        zAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 }

// Create a function for the lug nuts
fn lug = (plane, length, diameter) => {

    const lugSketch = startSketchOn(customPlane)
      |> startProfileAt([0 + diameter/2, 0], %)
      |> angledLineOfYLength({
        angle: 70,
        length: lugHeadLength,
      }, %)
      |> xLineTo(lugDiameter/2, %)
      |> yLineTo(lugLength, %)
      |> tangentialArc({
        offset: 90,
        radius: 3,
      }, %)
      |> xLineTo(0+.001, %, $c1)
      |> yLineTo(lugThreadDepth, %)
      |> xLineTo(lugThreadDiameter, %)
      |> yLineTo(0, %)
      |> close(%)
      |> revolve({
        axis: "Y",
      }, %)
    return lugSketch

lug(customPlane, lugLength, lugDiameter)
  |> patternCircular3d({
      arcDegrees: 360,
      axis: [0, 1, 0],
      center: [0, 0, 0],
      repetitions: 4,
      rotateDuplicates: false,
    }, %)

// Tire
// A tire is a critical component of a vehicle that provides the necessary traction and grip between the car and the road. It supports the vehicle's weight and absorbs shocks from road irregularities.

// Define constants
const tireInnerDiameter = 19 * 25.4 // mm
const tireOuterDiameter = 26 * 25.4 // mm
const tireDepth = 280 // mm
const bendRadius = 40 // mm
const tireTreadWidth = 10 // mm
const tireTreadDepth = 10 // mm
const tireTreadOffset = 80 // mm

// Create the sketch of the tire
const tireSketch = startSketchOn("XY")
  |> startProfileAt([tireInnerDiameter / 2, tireDepth / 2], %)
  |> lineTo([tireOuterDiameter / 2 - bendRadius, tireDepth / 2], %, $edge1)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: -90,
    radius: bendRadius,
  }, %)
  |> lineTo([tireOuterDiameter / 2, tireDepth/2 - tireTreadOffset], %)
  |> line([-tireTreadDepth, 0], %)
  |> line([0, -tireTreadWidth], %)
  |> line([tireTreadDepth, 0], %)
  |> lineTo([tireOuterDiameter / 2, -tireDepth/2 + tireTreadOffset + tireTreadWidth], %)
  |> line([-tireTreadDepth, 0], %)
  |> line([0, -tireTreadWidth], %)
  |> line([tireTreadDepth, 0], %)
  |> lineTo([tireOuterDiameter / 2, -tireDepth / 2 + bendRadius], %)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: -90,
    radius: bendRadius,
  }, %)
  |> lineTo([tireInnerDiameter / 2, -tireDepth / 2], %, $edge2)
  |> close(%)
const tire = revolve({ axis: "Y" }, tireSketch)

// Brake Caliper
// Brake calipers are used to squeeze the brake pads against the rotor, causing larger and larger amounts of friction depending on how hard the brakes are pressed.

// Define constants
const caliperTolerance = 5 // mm
const caliperPadLength = 40 // mm
const caliperThickness = 10 // mm
const caliperOuterEdgeRadius = 10 // mm
const caliperInnerEdgeRadius = 3 // mm

// Create the plane for the brake caliper. This is so it can match up with the rotor model.
const brakeCaliperPlane = {
  plane: {
    origin: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    xAxis: { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0 },
    yAxis: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 },
    zAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 }

// Sketch the brake caliper profile
const brakeCaliperSketch = startSketchOn(brakeCaliperPlane)
  |> startProfileAt([rotorDiameter/2 * 25.4+caliperTolerance, 0], %)
  |> line([0, rotorTotalThickness + caliperTolerance - caliperInnerEdgeRadius], %)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: 90,
    radius: caliperInnerEdgeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> line([-caliperPadLength + 2 * caliperInnerEdgeRadius, 0], %)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: -90,
    radius: caliperInnerEdgeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> line([0, caliperThickness - caliperInnerEdgeRadius * 2], %)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: -90,
    radius: caliperInnerEdgeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> line([caliperPadLength + caliperThickness - caliperOuterEdgeRadius - caliperInnerEdgeRadius, 0], %)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: -90,
    radius: caliperOuterEdgeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> line([0, -2*caliperTolerance-2*caliperThickness-rotorTotalThickness + 2 * caliperOuterEdgeRadius], %)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: -90,
    radius: caliperOuterEdgeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> line([-caliperPadLength - caliperThickness + caliperOuterEdgeRadius + caliperInnerEdgeRadius, 0], %)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: -90,
    radius: caliperInnerEdgeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> line([0, caliperThickness - 2 * caliperInnerEdgeRadius], %)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: -90,
    radius: caliperInnerEdgeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> line([caliperPadLength - 2 * caliperInnerEdgeRadius, 0], %)
  |> tangentialArc({
    offset: 90,
    radius: caliperInnerEdgeRadius,
  }, %)
  |> close(%)

// Revolve the brake caliiper sketch
const brakeCaliper = revolve({
    axis: "Y",
    angle: -70,
  }, brakeCaliperSketch)