kcl-samples → pipe-flange-assembly




// Pipe and Flange Assembly
// A crucial component in various piping systems, designed to facilitate the connection, disconnection, and access to piping for inspection, cleaning, and modifications. This assembly combines pipes (long cylindrical conduits) with flanges (plate-like fittings) to create a secure yet detachable joint.

flangeThickness = .125
flangeBaseDia = 2
boreHeight = 1
flangePipeDia = 1
mountingHoleDia = 0.425
screwDia = 0.375
tol = 0.010
hexNutScale = 0.90
wallThickness = 0.5
screwLength = 1.125
washerThickness = 0.0625
screwStart = [
  flangeThickness + washerThickness,
capRatio = .190 / .313 // Ratio grabbed from another screw
hexRatio = 5 / 32 / .190 // Ratio grabbed from another screw
hexStartingAngle = 210 // first angle of hex pattern (degrees)
hexInteriorAngle = 120 // degrees
hexChangeAngle = 180 - hexInteriorAngle // degrees

screwPlane = {
  plane: {
    origin: {
      x: screwStart[0],
      y: screwStart[1],
      z: screwStart[2]
    xAxis: { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0 },
    yAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 },
    zAxis: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }

fn capScrew = (start, length, dia) => {
  headLength = dia // inch
  wallToWallLength = hexRatio * dia
  headDia = dia / capRatio
  hexWallLength = wallToWallLength / 2 * 1 / cos(toRadians(30)) // inch

  // Length of Cap Head is always equal to diameter
  capHeadLength = dia

  // Create the head of the cap screw
  screwHeadSketch = startSketchOn(screwPlane)
    |> circle({ center: [0, 0], radius: headDia / 2 }, %)

  // Extrude the screw head sketch
  screwHead = extrude(dia, screwHeadSketch)

  // Define the sketch of the hex pattern on the screw head
  hexPatternSketch = startSketchOn(screwHead, 'end')
    |> startProfileAt([
         -start[0] + wallToWallLength / 2,
       ], %)
    |> yLine(-hexWallLength / 2, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: hexStartingAngle,
         length: hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: hexStartingAngle - hexChangeAngle,
         length: hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: hexStartingAngle - (2 * hexChangeAngle),
         length: hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: hexStartingAngle - (3 * hexChangeAngle),
         length: hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: hexStartingAngle - (4 * hexChangeAngle),
         length: hexWallLength
       }, %)
    |> close(%)
  hexPattern = extrude(-headLength * 0.75, hexPatternSketch)

  return hexPattern

workingPlane = {
  plane: {
    origin: { x: 0, y: flangeThickness, z: 0 },
    xAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 },
    yAxis: { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0 },
    zAxis: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }

// Washer function
fn washer = (plane, start, thk, innerDia, outerDia) => {
  washerSketch = startSketchOn(plane)
    |> circle({
         center: [start[0], start[1]],
         radius: outerDia / 2
       }, %)
    |> hole(circle({
         center: [start[0], start[1]],
         radius: innerDia / 2
       }, %), %)
    |> extrude(thk, %)
  return washerSketch

// Hex nut function
fn hexNut = (start, thk, innerDia) => {
  hexNutSketch = startSketchOn({
         plane: {
           origin: {
             x: start[0],
             y: -wallThickness - washerThickness,
             z: start[2]
           xAxis: { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0 },
           yAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 },
           zAxis: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }
    |> startProfileAt([0 + innerDia * hexNutScale, 0], %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: 240,
         length: innerDia * hexNutScale
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: 180,
         length: innerDia * hexNutScale
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: 120,
         length: innerDia * hexNutScale
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({
         angle: 60,
         length: innerDia * hexNutScale
       }, %)
    |> angledLine({ angle: 0, length: innerDia * .90 }, %)
    |> close(%)
    |> hole(circle({ center: [0, 0], radius: innerDia / 2 }, %), %)
    |> extrude(-thk, %)
  return hexNutSketch

// Mounting holes pattern
mountingHolePattern = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> circle({
       center: [screwStart[0], screwStart[2]],
       radius: screwDia / 2 + tol
     }, %)
  |> patternCircular2d({
       arcDegrees: 360,
       center: [0, 0],
       instances: 7,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

// Sketch and revolve the pipe
pipe = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> startProfileAt([flangePipeDia / 2 - tol, 0], %)
  |> line([0, -2], %)
  |> angledLine({ angle: -60, length: .5 }, %)
  |> line([0, -1], %)
  |> line([-flangeThickness, 0], %)
  |> line([0, 1], %)
  |> angledLine({ angle: -240, length: .5 }, %)
  |> line([0, 5], %)
  |> angledLine({ angle: 60, length: .5 }, %)
  |> line([0, 1], %)
  |> line([flangeThickness, 0], %)
  |> line([0, -1], %)
  |> angledLine({ angle: 240, length: .5 }, %)
  |> close(%)
  |> revolve({ axis: 'y' }, %)

// Sketch and extrude the wall
wall = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> startProfileAt([-4, -4], %)
  |> line([0, 8], %)
  |> line([8, 0], %)
  |> line([0, -8], %)
  |> close(%)
  |> hole(mountingHolePattern, %)
  |> hole(circle({
       center: [0, 0],
       radius: flangePipeDia / 2
     }, %), %)
  |> extrude(wallThickness, %)

// Sketch and revolve the flange
flangeBase = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> circle({
       center: [0, 0],
       radius: flangeBaseDia
     }, %)
  |> hole(mountingHolePattern, %)
  |> hole(circle({
       center: [0, 0],
       radius: flangePipeDia / 2
     }, %), %)
  |> extrude(-flangeThickness, %)

// Create the washer and pattern around the flange
washer(workingPlane, [screwStart[2], screwStart[0]], 0.0625, screwDia + tol, 0.625)
  |> patternCircular3d({
       axis: [0, 1, 0],
       center: [0, 0, 0],
       instances: 7,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

// Create the cap screw and pattern around the flange
       flangeThickness + washerThickness,
     ], screwLength, screwDia)
  |> patternCircular3d({
       axis: [0, 1, 0],
       center: [0, 0, 0],
       instances: 7,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

screwBodySketch = startSketchOn(screwPlane)
  |> circle({ center: [0, 0], radius: screwDia / 2 }, %)
screwBody = extrude(-screwLength, screwBodySketch)
  |> patternCircular3d({
       axis: [0, 1, 0],
       center: [0, 0, 0],
       instances: 7,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

// Create a plane for the washers on the back side of the wall
backSideWasherPlane = {
  plane: {
    origin: {
      x: 0,
      y: -wallThickness - washerThickness,
      z: 0
    xAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 },
    yAxis: { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0 },
    zAxis: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }

// Create the washers on the backside of the wall
washer(backSideWasherPlane, [screwStart[2], screwStart[0]], 0.0625, screwDia + tol, 0.625)
  |> patternCircular3d({
       axis: [0, 1, 0],
       center: [0, 0, 0],
       instances: 7,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

// Create the hex nut and pattern around the flange
     ], .25, screwDia + tol)
  |> patternCircular3d({
       axis: [0, 1, 0],
       center: [0, 0, 0],
       instances: 7,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)