kcl-samples → 3d-boaty →

// 3D Boaty
// This is a slight remix of Depep1's original 3D Boaty (https://www.printables.com/model/1141963-3d-boaty). This is a tool used for benchmarking 3D FDM printers for bed adhesion, overhangs, bridging and top surface quality. The name of this file is a bit of misnomer, the shape of the object is a typical park bench.
// Set units in millimeters (mm)
@settings(defaultLengthUnit = mm)
// Define the bench length
benchLength = 56
// Import various constants and functions from our library
import dividerThickness from "boat-parts.kcl"
import divider from "boat-parts.kcl"
import connector from "boat-parts.kcl"
import seatSlats from "boat-parts.kcl"
import backSlats from "boat-parts.kcl"
import armRest from "boat-parts.kcl"
// Create the dividers, these hold the seat and back slats
divider(offsetPlane("-YZ", offset = benchLength / 2))
divider(offsetPlane("YZ", offset = benchLength / 2))
// Create the connectors to join the dividers
connector(offsetPlane("YZ", offset = -benchLength / 2), benchLength)
// Create the seat slats
seatSlats(offsetPlane("YZ", offset = -benchLength / 2 - dividerThickness / 2), benchLength + dividerThickness)
// Create the back slats
backSlats(offsetPlane("YZ", offset = -benchLength / 2 - dividerThickness / 2), benchLength + dividerThickness)
// Create the arm rests
armRest("-YZ", benchLength / 2)
armRest("-YZ", -benchLength / 2)