

Move a solid.

translate(solid: Solid, translate: [number], global?: bool) -> Solid


solidSolidThe solid to move.Yes
translate[number]The amount to move the solid in all three axes.Yes
globalboolIf true, the transform is applied in global space. The origin of the model will move. By default, the transform is applied in local sketch axis, therefore the origin will not move.No


Solid - A solid is a collection of extrude surfaces.


// Move a pipe.

// Create a path for the sweep.
sweepPath = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> startProfileAt([0.05, 0.05], %)
  |> line(end = [0, 7])
  |> tangentialArc({ offset = 90, radius = 5 }, %)
  |> line(end = [-3, 0])
  |> tangentialArc({ offset = -90, radius = 5 }, %)
  |> line(end = [0, 7])

// Create a hole for the pipe.
pipeHole = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 1.5 }, %)

sweepSketch = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 2 }, %)
  |> hole(pipeHole, %)
  |> sweep(path = sweepPath)
  |> translate(translate = [1.0, 1.0, 2.5])

Rendered example of translate 0