kcl →
Draw a line relative to the current origin to a specified distance away from the current position along the 'x' axis.
sketch: Sketch,
length?: number,
endAbsolute?: number,
tag?: TagDeclarator,
): Sketch
Name | Type | Description | Required |
sketch | Sketch | Which sketch should this path be added to? | Yes |
length | number | How far away along the X axis should this line go? Incompatible with endAbsolute . | No |
endAbsolute | number | Which absolute X value should this line go to? Incompatible with length . | No |
tag | TagDeclarator | Create a new tag which refers to this line | No |
exampleSketch = startSketchOn(XZ)
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> xLine(length = 15)
|> angledLine({ angle = 80, length = 15 }, %)
|> line(end = [8, -10])
|> xLine(length = 10)
|> angledLine({ angle = 120, length = 30 }, %)
|> xLine(length = -15)
|> close()
example = extrude(exampleSketch, length = 10)