

Scale a solid.

By default the transform is applied in local sketch axis, therefore the origin will not move.

If you want to apply the transform in global space, set global to true. The origin of the model will move. If the model is not centered on origin and you scale globally it will look like the model moves and gets bigger at the same time. Say you have a square (1,1) - (1,2) - (2,2) - (2,1) and you scale by 2 globally it will become (2,2) - (2,4)...etc so the origin has moved from (1.5, 1.5) to (2,2).

scale(solid: Solid, scale: [number], global?: bool) -> Solid


solidSolidThe solid to scale.Yes
scale[number]The scale factor for the x, y, and z axes.Yes
globalboolIf true, the transform is applied in global space. The origin of the model will move. By default, the transform is applied in local sketch axis, therefore the origin will not move.No


Solid - A solid is a collection of extrude surfaces.


// Scale a pipe.

// Create a path for the sweep.
sweepPath = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> startProfileAt([0.05, 0.05], %)
  |> line(end = [0, 7])
  |> tangentialArc({ offset = 90, radius = 5 }, %)
  |> line(end = [-3, 0])
  |> tangentialArc({ offset = -90, radius = 5 }, %)
  |> line(end = [0, 7])

// Create a hole for the pipe.
pipeHole = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 1.5 }, %)

sweepSketch = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 2 }, %)
  |> hole(pipeHole, %)
  |> sweep(path = sweepPath)
  |> scale(scale = [1.0, 1.0, 2.5])

Rendered example of scale 0