kcl →
Repeat a 3-dimensional solid along a linear path, with a dynamic amount of distance between each repetition, some specified number of times.
solidSet: SolidSet,
instances: integer,
distance: number,
axis: [number],
useOriginal?: bool,
): [Solid]
Name | Type | Description | Required |
solidSet | SolidSet | The solid(s) to duplicate | Yes |
instances | integer | The number of total instances. Must be greater than or equal to 1. This includes the original entity. For example, if instances is 2, there will be two copies -- the original, and one new copy. If instances is 1, this has no effect. | Yes |
distance | number | Distance between each repetition. Also known as 'spacing'. | Yes |
axis | [number] | The axis of the pattern. A 2D vector. | Yes |
useOriginal | bool | If the target was sketched on an extrusion, setting this will use the original sketch as the target, not the entire joined solid. Defaults to false. | No |
exampleSketch = startSketchOn('XZ')
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [0, 2])
|> line(end = [3, 1])
|> line(end = [0, -4])
|> close()
example = extrude(exampleSketch, length = 1)
|> patternLinear3d(axis = [1, 0, 1], instances = 7, distance = 6)
// Pattern a whole sketch on face.
size = 100
case = startSketchOn('XY')
|> startProfileAt([-size, -size], %)
|> line(end = [2 * size, 0])
|> line(end = [0, 2 * size])
|> tangentialArcTo([-size, size], %)
|> close(%)
|> extrude(length = 65)
thing1 = startSketchOn(case, 'end')
|> circle(center = [-size / 2, -size / 2], radius = 25)
|> extrude(length = 50)
thing2 = startSketchOn(case, 'end')
|> circle(center = [size / 2, -size / 2], radius = 25)
|> extrude(length = 50)
// We pass in the "case" here since we want to pattern the whole sketch.
// And the case was the base of the sketch.
axis = [1, 0, 0],
distance = 250,
instances = 2,
// Pattern an object on a face.
size = 100
case = startSketchOn('XY')
|> startProfileAt([-size, -size], %)
|> line(end = [2 * size, 0])
|> line(end = [0, 2 * size])
|> tangentialArcTo([-size, size], %)
|> close(%)
|> extrude(length = 65)
thing1 = startSketchOn(case, 'end')
|> circle(center = [-size / 2, -size / 2], radius = 25)
|> extrude(length = 50)
// We pass in `thing1` here with `useOriginal` since we want to pattern just this object on the face.
axis = [1, 0, 0],
distance = size,
instances = 2,
useOriginal = true,