

Repeat a 3-dimensional solid along a linear path, with a dynamic amount of distance between each repetition, some specified number of times.


  solidSet: SolidSet,
  instances: integer,
  distance: number,
  axis: [number],
  useOriginal?: bool,
): [Solid]


solidSetSolidSetThe solid(s) to duplicateYes
instancesintegerThe number of total instances. Must be greater than or equal to 1. This includes the original entity. For example, if instances is 2, there will be two copies -- the original, and one new copy. If instances is 1, this has no effect.Yes
distancenumberDistance between each repetition. Also known as 'spacing'.Yes
axis[number]The axis of the pattern. A 2D vector.Yes
useOriginalboolIf the target was sketched on an extrusion, setting this will use the original sketch as the target, not the entire joined solid. Defaults to false.No




exampleSketch = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
  |> line(end = [0, 2])
  |> line(end = [3, 1])
  |> line(end = [0, -4])
  |> close()

example = extrude(exampleSketch, length = 1)
  |> patternLinear3d(axis = [1, 0, 1], instances = 7, distance = 6)

Rendered example of patternLinear3d 0

// Pattern a whole sketch on face.
size = 100
case = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> startProfileAt([-size, -size], %)
  |> line(end = [2 * size, 0])
  |> line(end = [0, 2 * size])
  |> tangentialArcTo([-size, size], %)
  |> close(%)
  |> extrude(length = 65)

thing1 = startSketchOn(case, 'end')
  |> circle(center = [-size / 2, -size / 2], radius = 25)
  |> extrude(length = 50)

thing2 = startSketchOn(case, 'end')
  |> circle(center = [size / 2, -size / 2], radius = 25)
  |> extrude(length = 50)

  // We pass in the "case" here since we want to pattern the whole sketch.
// And the case was the base of the sketch.
  axis = [1, 0, 0],
  distance = 250,
  instances = 2,

Rendered example of patternLinear3d 1

// Pattern an object on a face.
size = 100
case = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> startProfileAt([-size, -size], %)
  |> line(end = [2 * size, 0])
  |> line(end = [0, 2 * size])
  |> tangentialArcTo([-size, size], %)
  |> close(%)
  |> extrude(length = 65)

thing1 = startSketchOn(case, 'end')
  |> circle(center = [-size / 2, -size / 2], radius = 25)
  |> extrude(length = 50)

// We pass in `thing1` here with `useOriginal` since we want to pattern just this object on the face.
  axis = [1, 0, 0],
  distance = size,
  instances = 2,
  useOriginal = true,

Rendered example of patternLinear3d 2