kcl →
Returns the angle coming out of the end of the segment in degrees.
tangentToEnd(tag: TagIdentifier): number
Name | Type | Description | Required |
tag | TagIdentifier | The line segment being queried by its tag | Yes |
// Horizontal pill.
pillSketch = startSketchOn('XZ')
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [20, 0])
|> tangentialArcToRelative([0, 10], %, $arc1)
|> angledLine({
angle = tangentToEnd(arc1),
length = 20
}, %)
|> tangentialArcToRelative([0, -10], %)
|> close()
pillExtrude = extrude(pillSketch, length = 10)
// Vertical pill. Use absolute coordinate for arc.
pillSketch = startSketchOn('XZ')
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [0, 20])
|> tangentialArcTo([10, 20], %, $arc1)
|> angledLine({
angle = tangentToEnd(arc1),
length = 20
}, %)
|> tangentialArcToRelative([-10, 0], %)
|> close()
pillExtrude = extrude(pillSketch, length = 10)
rectangleSketch = startSketchOn('XZ')
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [10, 0], tag = $seg1)
|> angledLine({
angle = tangentToEnd(seg1),
length = 10
}, %)
|> line(end = [0, 10])
|> line(end = [-20, 0])
|> close()
rectangleExtrude = extrude(rectangleSketch, length = 10)
bottom = startSketchOn("XY")
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> arcTo({ end = [10, 10], interior = [5, 1] }, %, $arc1)
|> angledLine([tangentToEnd(arc1), 20], %)
|> close()
circSketch = startSketchOn("XY")
|> circle(center = [0, 0], radius = 3, tag = $circ)
triangleSketch = startSketchOn("XY")
|> startProfileAt([-5, 0], %)
|> angledLine([tangentToEnd(circ), 10], %)
|> line(end = [-15, 0])
|> close()