kcl →
Extend a 2-dimensional sketch through a third dimension in order to
create new 3-dimensional volume, or if extruded into an existing volume, cut into an existing solid.
extrude(length: number, sketch_set: SketchSet) -> SolidSet
Name | Type | Description | Required |
length | number | Yes | |
sketch_set | SketchSet | A sketch or a group of sketches. | Yes |
- A solid or a group of solids.
example = startSketchOn('XZ')
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line([10, 0], %)
|> arc({
angleStart = 120,
angleEnd = 0,
radius = 5
}, %)
|> line([5, 0], %)
|> line([0, 10], %)
|> bezierCurve({
control1 = [-10, 0],
control2 = [2, 10],
to = [-5, 10]
}, %)
|> line([-5, -2], %)
|> close(%)
|> extrude(10, %)
exampleSketch = startSketchOn('XZ')
|> startProfileAt([-10, 0], %)
|> arc({
angleStart = 120,
angleEnd = -60,
radius = 5
}, %)
|> line([10, 0], %)
|> line([5, 0], %)
|> bezierCurve({
control1 = [-3, 0],
control2 = [2, 10],
to = [-5, 10]
}, %)
|> line([-4, 10], %)
|> line([-5, -2], %)
|> close(%)
example = extrude(10, exampleSketch)