kcl →
Rotate a sketch around some provided axis, creating a solid from its extent.
This, like extrude, is able to create a 3-dimensional solid from a 2-dimensional sketch. However, unlike extrude, this creates a solid by using the extent of the sketch as its revolved around an axis rather than using the extent of the sketch linearly translated through a third dimension.
Revolve occurs around a local sketch axis rather than a global axis.
You can provide more than one sketch to revolve, and they will all be revolved around the same axis.
sketches: [Sketch],
axis: Axis2dOrEdgeReference,
angle?: number,
tolerance?: number,
tagStart?: TagDeclarator,
tagEnd?: TagDeclarator,
): [Solid]
Name | Type | Description | Required |
sketches | [Sketch] | The sketch or set of sketches that should be revolved | Yes |
axis | Axis2dOrEdgeReference | Axis of revolution. | Yes |
angle | number | Angle to revolve (in degrees). Default is 360. | No |
tolerance | number | Tolerance for the revolve operation. | No |
tagStart | TagDeclarator | A named tag for the face at the start of the revolve, i.e. the original sketch | No |
tagEnd | TagDeclarator | A named tag for the face at the end of the revolve | No |
part001 = startSketchOn(XY)
|> startProfileAt([4, 12], %)
|> line(end = [2, 0])
|> line(end = [0, -6])
|> line(end = [4, -6])
|> line(end = [0, -6])
|> line(end = [-3.75, -4.5])
|> line(end = [0, -5.5])
|> line(end = [-2, 0])
|> close()
|> revolve(axis = 'y') // default angle is 360
// A donut shape.
sketch001 = startSketchOn(XY)
|> circle(center = [15, 0], radius = 5)
|> revolve(angle = 360, axis = 'y')
part001 = startSketchOn(XY)
|> startProfileAt([4, 12], %)
|> line(end = [2, 0])
|> line(end = [0, -6])
|> line(end = [4, -6])
|> line(end = [0, -6])
|> line(end = [-3.75, -4.5])
|> line(end = [0, -5.5])
|> line(end = [-2, 0])
|> close()
|> revolve(axis = 'y', angle = 180)
part001 = startSketchOn(XY)
|> startProfileAt([4, 12], %)
|> line(end = [2, 0])
|> line(end = [0, -6])
|> line(end = [4, -6])
|> line(end = [0, -6])
|> line(end = [-3.75, -4.5])
|> line(end = [0, -5.5])
|> line(end = [-2, 0])
|> close()
|> revolve(axis = 'y', angle = 180)
part002 = startSketchOn(part001, 'end')
|> startProfileAt([4.5, -5], %)
|> line(end = [0, 5])
|> line(end = [5, 0])
|> line(end = [0, -5])
|> close()
|> extrude(length = 5)
box = startSketchOn(XY)
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [0, 20])
|> line(end = [20, 0])
|> line(end = [0, -20])
|> close()
|> extrude(length = 20)
sketch001 = startSketchOn(box, "END")
|> circle(center = [10, 10], radius = 4)
|> revolve(angle = -90, axis = 'y')
box = startSketchOn(XY)
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [0, 20])
|> line(end = [20, 0])
|> line(end = [0, -20], tag = $revolveAxis)
|> close()
|> extrude(length = 20)
sketch001 = startSketchOn(box, "END")
|> circle(center = [10, 10], radius = 4)
|> revolve(angle = 90, axis = getOppositeEdge(revolveAxis))
box = startSketchOn(XY)
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [0, 20])
|> line(end = [20, 0])
|> line(end = [0, -20], tag = $revolveAxis)
|> close()
|> extrude(length = 20)
sketch001 = startSketchOn(box, "END")
|> circle(center = [10, 10], radius = 4)
|> revolve(angle = 90, axis = getOppositeEdge(revolveAxis), tolerance = 0.0001)
sketch001 = startSketchOn(XY)
|> startProfileAt([10, 0], %)
|> line(end = [5, -5])
|> line(end = [5, 5])
|> line(endAbsolute = [profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)])
|> close()
part001 = revolve(
axis = {
custom = {
axis = [0.0, 1.0],
origin = [0.0, 0.0]
// Revolve two sketches around the same axis.
sketch001 = startSketchOn(XY)
profile001 = startProfileAt([4, 8], sketch001)
|> xLine(length = 3)
|> yLine(length = -3)
|> xLine(length = -3)
|> line(endAbsolute = [profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)])
|> close()
profile002 = startProfileAt([-5, 8], sketch001)
|> xLine(length = 3)
|> yLine(length = -3)
|> xLine(length = -3)
|> line(endAbsolute = [profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)])
|> close()
revolve([profile001, profile002], axis = "X")
// Revolve around a path that has not been extruded.
profile001 = startSketchOn(XY)
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [0, 20], tag = $revolveAxis)
|> line(end = [20, 0])
|> line(end = [0, -20])
|> close(%)
sketch001 = startSketchOn(XY)
|> circle(center = [-10, 10], radius = 4)
|> revolve(angle = 90, axis = revolveAxis)
// Revolve around a path that has not been extruded or closed.
profile001 = startSketchOn(XY)
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [0, 20], tag = $revolveAxis)
|> line(end = [20, 0])
sketch001 = startSketchOn(XY)
|> circle(center = [-10, 10], radius = 4)
|> revolve(angle = 90, axis = revolveAxis)