kcl →
Create a helix.
revolutions: number,
angleStart: number,
ccw?: bool,
radius: number,
axis: Axis3dOrEdgeReference,
length?: number,
): HelixValue
Name | Type | Description | Required |
revolutions | number | Number of revolutions. | Yes |
angleStart | number | Start angle (in degrees). | Yes |
ccw | bool | Is the helix rotation counter clockwise? The default is false . | No |
radius | number | Radius of the helix. | Yes |
axis | Axis3dOrEdgeReference | Axis to use for the helix. | Yes |
length | number | Length of the helix. This is not necessary if the helix is created around an edge. If not given the length of the edge is used. | No |
- A helix.
// Create a helix around the Z axis.
helixPath = helix(
angleStart = 0,
ccw = true,
revolutions = 5,
length = 10,
radius = 5,
axis = 'Z',
// Create a spring by sweeping around the helix path.
springSketch = startSketchOn('YZ')
|> circle(center = [0, 0], radius = 0.5)
|> sweep(path = helixPath)
// Create a helix around an edge.
helper001 = startSketchOn('XZ')
|> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
|> line(end = [0, 10], tag = $edge001)
helixPath = helix(
angleStart = 0,
ccw = true,
revolutions = 5,
length = 10,
radius = 5,
axis = edge001,
// Create a spring by sweeping around the helix path.
springSketch = startSketchOn('XY')
|> circle(center = [0, 0], radius = 0.5)
|> sweep(path = helixPath)
// Create a helix around a custom axis.
helixPath = helix(
angleStart = 0,
ccw = true,
revolutions = 5,
length = 10,
radius = 5,
axis = {
custom = {
axis = [0, 0, 1.0],
origin = [0, 0.25, 0]
// Create a spring by sweeping around the helix path.
springSketch = startSketchOn('XY')
|> circle(center = [0, 0], radius = 1)
|> sweep(path = helixPath)