

Extrude a sketch along a path.

This, like extrude, is able to create a 3-dimensional solid from a 2-dimensional sketch. However, unlike extrude, this creates a solid by using the extent of the sketch as its path. This is useful for creating more complex shapes that can't be created with a simple extrusion.

sweep(data: SweepData, sketch: Sketch) -> Solid


dataSweepDataData for a sweep.Yes
sketchSketchA sketch is a collection of paths.Yes


Solid - An solid is a collection of extrude surfaces.


// Create a pipe using a sweep.

// Create a path for the sweep.
sweepPath = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> startProfileAt([0.05, 0.05], %)
  |> line([0, 7], %)
  |> tangentialArc({ offset = 90, radius = 5 }, %)
  |> line([-3, 0], %)
  |> tangentialArc({ offset = -90, radius = 5 }, %)
  |> line([0, 7], %)

// Create a hole for the pipe.
pipeHole = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 1.5 }, %)

sweepSketch = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 2 }, %)
  |> hole(pipeHole, %)
  |> sweep({ path = sweepPath }, %)

Rendered example of sweep 0

// Create a spring by sweeping around a helix path.

// Create a helix around the Z axis.
helixPath = helix({
  angleStart = 0,
  ccw = true,
  revolutions = 16,
  length = 10,
  radius = 5,
  axis = 'Z'

// Create a spring by sweeping around the helix path.
springSketch = startSketchOn('YZ')
  |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 1 }, %)
// |> sweep({ path = helixPath }, %)

Rendered example of sweep 1