kcl-samples → wheel-rotor




// Wheel rotor
// A component of a disc brake system. It provides a surface for brake pads to press against, generating the friction needed to slow or stop the vehicle.

// Define constants
// Base units for this model are in inches
const rotorDiameter = 12
const rotorInnerDiameter = 6
const rotorSinglePlateThickness = 0.25
const rotorInnerDiameterThickness = 0.5
const lugHolePatternDia = 3
const lugSpacing = 114.3 * mm()
const rotorTotalThickness = 1
const spacerPatternDiameter = 11
const spacerDiameter = 0.25
const spacerLength = rotorTotalThickness - (2 * rotorSinglePlateThickness)
const spacerCount = 16
const wheelDiameter = 19
const lugCount = 5
const yAxisOffset = 0.5
const drillAndSlotCount = 5

const rotorPlane = {
  plane: {
    origin: { x: 0, y: yAxisOffset, z: 0 },
    xAxis: { x: -1, y: 0, z: 0 },
    yAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 },
    zAxis: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }

fn lugPattern = (plane) => {
  const lugHolePattern = circle([-lugSpacing / 2, 0], 0.315, plane)
    |> patternCircular2d({
         arcDegrees: 360,
         center: [0, 0],
         repetitions: lugCount - 1,
         rotateDuplicates: true
       }, %)
  return lugHolePattern

const rotorSketch = startSketchOn(rotorPlane)
  |> circle([0, 0], rotorDiameter / 2, %)
  |> hole(lugPattern(%), %)
const rotor = extrude(rotorSinglePlateThickness, rotorSketch)

const rotorBumpSketch = startSketchOn(rotorPlane)
  |> circle([0, 0], rotorInnerDiameter / 2, %)
  |> hole(lugPattern(%), %)
const rotorBump = extrude(-rotorInnerDiameterThickness, rotorBumpSketch)

const rotorSecondaryPlatePlane = {
  plane: {
    origin: {
      x: 0,
      y: yAxisOffset + rotorTotalThickness * 0.75,
      z: 0
    xAxis: { x: -1, y: 0, z: 0 },
    yAxis: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 },
    zAxis: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }

const secondaryRotorSketch = startSketchOn(rotorSecondaryPlatePlane)
  |> circle([0, 0], rotorDiameter / 2, %)
  |> hole(lugPattern(%), %)

const secondRotor = extrude(rotorSinglePlateThickness, secondaryRotorSketch)

const spacerSketch = startSketchOn(rotorSecondaryPlatePlane)
  |> circle([spacerPatternDiameter / 2, 0], spacerDiameter, %)
  |> patternCircular2d({
       arcDegrees: 360,
       center: [0, 0],
       repetitions: spacerCount,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

const spacers = extrude(-spacerLength, spacerSketch)

const rotorSlottedSketch = startSketchOn(rotor, 'START')
  |> startProfileAt([2.17, 2.56], %)
  |> xLine(0.12, %)
  |> yLine(2.56, %)
  |> xLine(-0.12, %)
  |> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %)
  |> close(%)
  |> patternCircular2d({
       center: [0, 0],
       repetitions: drillAndSlotCount - 1,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

const rotorSlotted = extrude(-rotorSinglePlateThickness / 2, rotorSlottedSketch)

const rotorDrilledSketch = startSketchOn(rotor, 'START')
  |> circle([1.34, 3.23], 0.12, %)
  |> patternLinear2d({
       axis: [-0.02, 0.04],
       repetitions: 2,
       distance: 1.1
     }, %)
  |> patternCircular2d({
       center: [0, 0],
       repetitions: drillAndSlotCount - 1,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

const rotorDrilled = extrude(-rotorSinglePlateThickness, rotorDrilledSketch)

const secondRotorSlottedSketch = startSketchOn(secondRotor, 'END')
  |> startProfileAt([-2.17, 2.56], %)
  |> xLine(-0.12, %)
  |> yLine(2.56, %)
  |> xLine(0.12, %)
  |> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %)
  |> close(%)
  |> patternCircular2d({
       center: [0, 0],
       repetitions: drillAndSlotCount - 1,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

const secondRotorSlotted = extrude(-rotorSinglePlateThickness / 2, secondRotorSlottedSketch)

const secondRotorDrilledSketch = startSketchOn(secondRotor, 'START')
  |> circle([1.34, 3.23], 0.12, %)
  |> patternLinear2d({
       axis: [-0.02, 0.04],
       repetitions: 2,
       distance: 1.1
     }, %)
  |> patternCircular2d({
       center: [0, 0],
       repetitions: drillAndSlotCount - 1,
       arcDegrees: 360,
       rotateDuplicates: true
     }, %)

const secondRotorDrilled = extrude(-rotorSinglePlateThickness, secondRotorDrilledSketch)