kcl-samples → car-wheel →
// Car Wheel
// A sports car wheel with a circular lug pattern and spokes.
// Define constants
// Base units for this model are in inches
lugCount = 5
lugSpacing = 114.3 * mm()
offset = -35 * mm()
backSpacing = 6.38
wheelWidth = 9.5
wheelDiameter = 19
spokeCount = 6
spokeGap = 0.2
spokeAngle = 0.02
spokeThickness = 0.95
// Create the wheel center
lugBase = startSketchOn('XZ')
|> circle({
center = [0, 0],
radius = (lugSpacing + 1.5) / 2
}, %)
|> hole(circle({
center = [0, 0],
radius = (lugSpacing - 1.5) / 2
}, %), %)
|> extrude(wheelWidth / 20, %)
// Extend the wheel center and bore holes to accomidate the lug heads
lugExtrusion = startSketchOn(lugBase, 'END')
|> circle({
center = [0, 0],
radius = (lugSpacing + 1.5) / 2
}, %)
|> hole(circle({
center = [0, 0],
radius = (lugSpacing - 1.5) / 2
}, %), %)
|> extrude(wheelWidth / 10, %)
// Create the circular pattern for the lugs
lugClearance = startSketchOn(lugExtrusion, 'END')
|> circle({
center = [lugSpacing / 2, 0],
radius = 1.2 / 2
}, %)
|> patternCircular2d({
arcDegrees = 360,
center = [0, 0],
instances = lugCount,
rotateDuplicates = true
}, %)
|> extrude(-wheelWidth / 10, %)
// Create the circular pattern for the lug holes
lugHoles = startSketchOn(lugBase, 'END')
|> circle({
center = [lugSpacing / 2, 0],
radius = 16 * mm() / 2
}, %)
|> patternCircular2d({
arcDegrees = 360,
center = [0, 0],
instances = lugCount,
rotateDuplicates = true
}, %)
|> extrude(-wheelWidth / 20, %)
// Add detail to the wheel center by revolving curved edge profiles
wheelCenterInner = startSketchOn('XY')
|> startProfileAt([(lugSpacing - 1.5) / 2, 0], %)
|> yLine(-wheelWidth / 10 - (wheelWidth / 20), %)
|> bezierCurve({
to = [-0.4, 0.3],
control1 = [-0.3, 0],
control2 = [0, 0.3]
}, %)
|> yLineTo(0, %)
|> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %)
|> close(%)
|> revolve({ axis = 'y' }, %)
wheelCenterOuter = startSketchOn('XY')
|> startProfileAt([(lugSpacing + 1.5) / 2, 0], %)
|> yLine(-wheelWidth / 10 - (wheelWidth / 20), %)
|> bezierCurve({
to = [0.4, -0.1],
control1 = [0.3, 0],
control2 = [0.2, -0.3]
}, %)
|> yLineTo(-wheelWidth / 20, %)
|> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %)
|> close(%)
|> revolve({ axis = 'y' }, %)
// Write a function that defines the spoke geometry, patterns and extrudes it
fn spoke(spokeGap, spokeAngle, spokeThickness) {
// Seperating the spoke base planes
plane001 = {
plane = {
origin = [0.0, 0.0, spokeGap / 2],
xAxis = [1.0, 0.0, spokeAngle],
yAxis = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
zAxis = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
// Spoke cross sections
spokeProfile = startSketchOn(plane001)
|> startProfileAt([(lugSpacing + 2) / 2, -0.7], %)
|> bezierCurve({
to = [
(wheelDiameter - lugSpacing - 2.9) / 2,
control1 = [
(wheelDiameter - lugSpacing - 2.9) / 3.5,
offset / 7
control2 = [
(wheelDiameter - lugSpacing - 2.9) / 4,
offset / 1.5
}, %)
|> yLine(-wheelWidth / 15, %)
|> bezierCurve({
to = [
-(wheelDiameter - lugSpacing - 2.9) / 2,
control1 = [
-(wheelDiameter - lugSpacing - 2.9) / 5,
-offset / 7
control2 = [
-(wheelDiameter - lugSpacing - 2.9) / 5,
-offset / 1.5
}, %)
|> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %)
|> close(%)
// Circular pattern spokes
spokePattern = extrude(spokeThickness, spokeProfile)
|> patternCircular3d({
axis = [0, 1, 0],
center = [0, -2000, 0],
instances = spokeCount,
arcDegrees = 360,
rotateDuplicates = true
}, %)
return spokePattern
spoke(spokeGap, spokeAngle, spokeThickness)
spoke(-spokeGap, -spokeAngle, -spokeThickness)
// Define and revolve wheel exterior
wheelOuterRevolve = startSketchOn('XY')
|> startProfileAt([
wheelDiameter / 2,
-wheelWidth + backSpacing + offset
], %)
|> yLine(wheelWidth * 0.25, %)
|> line([-wheelWidth * 0.02, wheelWidth * 0.02], %)
|> yLine(wheelWidth * 0.25, %)
|> line([wheelWidth * 0.02, wheelWidth * 0.02], %)
|> yLineTo(backSpacing + offset, %)
|> line([wheelWidth * 0.05, wheelWidth * .01], %)
|> yLine(wheelWidth * 0.05, %)
|> xLine(-wheelWidth * 0.03, %)
|> yLine(-wheelWidth * 0.02, %)
|> line([-wheelWidth * 0.05, -wheelWidth * 0.01], %)
|> yLine(-backSpacing * 0.7, %)
|> line([
-wheelDiameter * 0.01,
-wheelWidth * 0.02
], %)
|> yLineTo(offset - 0.2, %)
|> line([
-wheelDiameter * 0.03,
-wheelWidth * 0.02
], %)
|> yLine(-wheelWidth * 0.02, %)
|> line([
wheelDiameter * 0.03,
-wheelWidth * 0.1
], %)
|> yLine(-wheelWidth * 0.05, %)
|> line([wheelWidth * 0.02, -wheelWidth * 0.02], %)
|> yLineTo(-wheelWidth + backSpacing + offset - 0.28, %)
|> line([wheelWidth * 0.05, -wheelWidth * 0.01], %)
|> yLine(-wheelWidth * 0.02, %)
|> xLine(wheelWidth * 0.03, %)
|> yLine(wheelWidth * 0.05, %)
|> close(%)
|> revolve({ axis = 'y' }, %)