cli → zoo → kcl

zoo kcl snapshot

Snapshot a render of a kcl file as any supported image format.


The path to the input kcl file to snapshot. This can also be the path to a directory containing a main.kcl file. If you pass - as the path, the file will be read from stdin
The path to a file to output the image
A valid output image format
Possible values: png | jpeg
Command output format
Possible values: json | yaml | table
If given, this command will reuse an existing KittyCAD modeling session. You can start the session via zoo session-start --listen-on in this CLI
If true, print a link to this request's tracing data
Default value: false
If true, tell engine to store a replay
Default value: false
Print debug info
Default value: false
Print help (see a summary with '-h')


# snapshot as png
$ zoo kcl snapshot my-file.kcl my-file.png

# pass a file to snapshot from stdin
$ cat my-obj.kcl | zoo kcl snapshot --output-format=png - my-file.png

By default, this will search the input path for a project.toml file to determine any specific execution settings.

See also