Create an account
Congratulations, an important prerequisite.
Use the Modeling App
Modeling App is an open-source hardware design interface that allows you to generate CAD models, both by editing code and with point-and-click actions. Get professional-grade modeling and low-latency computation without a massive workstation. The infrastructure behind the Modeling App utilizes our Design API and streams video from our Geometry Engine running in remote GPUs. Download the app.
Try Text-to-CAD
Text-to-CAD is an open-source prompt interface for generating CAD files through text prompts. Generate models that you can import into the CAD program of your choice. The infrastructure behind Text-to-CAD utilizes our Design API and Machine Learning API to programmatically analyze training data and generate CAD files. Use the app.
Create a API Token
Use this link 👉 to create a KITTYCAD_API_TOKEN. You will only need one. Though multiple tokens can be used to keep track of what processes in your business are using the our APIs. Next, check out our API documentation to get started.